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Top 25 Universities

Here are the top 25 universities based on the number of subscribers from a domain.
Note that it doesn't show the exact number of subscribers (which is higher) for each school as many people use a webmail address such as gmail.com.
Also check out top companies and stats by top-level domains.

Domain Count Description
umich.edu 362 University of Michigan
columbia.edu 213 Columbia University
harvard.edu 211 Harvard University
cornell.edu 191 Cornell University
umn.edu 190 University of Minnesota
mit.edu 181 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
washington.edu, uw.edu 160 University of Washington
yale.edu 129 Yale University
wisc.edu 114 University of Wisconsin
psu.edu 109 Pennsylvania State University
ucla.edu 94 University of California, Los Angeles
virginia.edu 93 University of Virginia
unc.edu 88 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
upenn.edu 88 University of Pennsylvania
stanford.edu 85 Stanford University
nyu.edu 82 New York University
osu.edu 80 Ohio State University
uchicago.edu 76 University of Chicago
umwestern.edu 75 University of Montana Western
berkeley.edu 75 University of California at Berkeley
ucsd.edu 74 University of California at San Diego
msu.edu 73 Michigan State University
stevens.edu 73 Stevens Institute of Technology
duke.edu 73 Duke University
ucdavis.edu 71 University of California, Davis
highlands.edu 71 Georgia Highlands College
bu.edu 71 Boston University
colorado.edu 69 University of Colorado
utexas.edu 69 University of Texas at Austin
princeton.edu 65 Princeton University
cuny.edu 64 City University of New York
vt.edu 62 Virginia Tech

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