Wordsmith.org: the magic of words


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Thanking our readers for spreading the word (i.e. A.Word.A.Day)

Back in 1994, as a grad student in computer science, when I sent my first email with a word and its biography to fellow grad students, there was no grand plan. It was simply a way to share my love of words with others. Soon I found myself receiving subscription requests from other departments within the university, from other schools, and from other countries.

It has been the same since then -- people learn about A.Word.A.Day from a friend, family member, neighbor, or a colleague. Or from a newspaper or magazine article or interview (link). We've never advertised. It's all word of mouth.

To recognize our readers for helping us spread the word, every month we'll select a reader who sent a gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day for a book giveaway.

Send a gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day

For each gift subscription of A.Word.A.Day you send, you'll receive an entry in the drawing for a signed copy of the book A Word A Day.

"I LOVE AWAD. I received it as a gift subscription -- it is perfect."
-Elizabeth H.

"I've been receiving AWAD for 7+ years now, originally subscribed as a gift from our eldest daughter."
-M. Halverson

As always keep me posted (words@wordsmith.org) on what you like or don't like about A.Word.A.Day.

Thank you for helping spread the joy of words,

Anu Garg
The magic of words

Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

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