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I, Rearrangement Servant OR Internet Anagram Server
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Atheist Anagram Society
Cartoon: Dan Piraro

Auto Anagram

A word that is an anagram of itself.


A pangram is a sentence that uses all letters of the alphabet. So if you are thinking about finding anagrams of all letters from A to Z, what you are looking for is a pangram that is 26 letter long. Here are a few:

Check out more at Pangram Finder.

Star Anagram

Star anagram: fiber/brief

An anagram that does not have the same adjacent letters as in its original word or phrase. Example: FIBER = BRIEF. If you put the letters of the original in a circle and trace the anagram, you get a star. In case of five-letter star anagrams you get a perfect pentagram.

Star anagrams were invented by Dan Barker. He wrote about them in Gift of Fire, 1994. See a related paper Star Anagram Detection and Classification (by Jason Parker & Dan Barker).


An anigram is anagram which animates to show itself at work. An example of anigram is at the home page of this site which shows how letters of the phrase "Internet Anagram Server" rearrange themselves to make "I, Rearrangement Servant". Make your own anigrams.


An anugram is a true anagram. e.g.

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one

uno + catorce = cuatro + once (Spanish: 1 + 14 = 4 + 11)

dos + trece = tres + doce (Spanish: 2 + 13 = 3 + 12)

(by Lee Sallows, published in Word Ways, Feb 1992)

All anugrams are anagrams, but not all anagrams are anugrams.

The word 'anagram' in various languages

Anagrama = Amar gana (Love wins)

Anagramm = Am ragman




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