I have just moved into a high rise building. Unlike most buildings (in US, and NY)it has exterior "hallways", called "catwalks". Many motels use exterior hallway, with entry to the rooms coming off a open terrace or deck. (in my building, the catwalk leads to several small 'halls' each a little over 4 feet (1.25 meters or so) by 6 feet(1.8 meters) where 2 or 3 apartment have an entry. you don't enter or exit directly to the catwalk)

I also know the term 'catwalk', as a theatrical term, for narrow, scaffolding like passages, used to gain access to lighting and/or special effects, high up, both behind the stage, and in front of the stage)

three questions,
what would you call an exterior hallway?
why are catwalks called that?
finally, is catwalks the correct term for the scaffolding in a theater? or is it a misused term... (that, is, are catwalks something specific, and i am misusing the term?)

and a bonus question, are exterior hallways common in your neck of the woods? (i am pretty sure they are used in high rise-low income (council?)housing in UK, i have seen them in imported UK police dramas--are they called catwalks there?)