My room-mate had to break a pane in his window to get into his room. So he climbed up ond over the roof to my side, and smashed ten panes of glass in my window, then went an complained to proctor that I had so trashed is room he couldn't study, might fail upcoming exams, and loose his scholarship. While he was doing this, my friends helped me unpie his room, so that when proctor came up to inspect, all he could see wrong
was poor pathetic me shivering with cold wind coming in my brplem windows, nad broken glass all over my floor. He gave me achance to recite the things Powelson had done to provoke me, and chided Powelson. But the College charged ten dollars per pane to fix windows, which would have equalled a quarter of the yearly tuition in those days. I managed to fix the widows myself with only a jack-knife and screw driver. The panes had been set with white lead, which was as hard as granite. I used ordinary putty. I have often wondered how long it was before my cheap putty job fell apart. I was lucky to get away with it.