I just hope that any exchanges will be mutally enjoyable.

Upon reflection, I have edited my earlier post, wwh. The allusion to Faldage was not just.

That said "protean" has no more do with "proceptivity" than "promiscuous" has to do with "promise".

"Proceptivity" is not coquetry, but an instinctive ritual enacted in earnest in service of the survival of our species. "Protean" misogynizes the ritual, casting "proceptive" women in the role of teases, morphing from mood to mood capriciously, without care or reason.

I agree, wwh, let us improve on the term "Protean" signals. But not, with respect, in the direction you suggest, with emphasis on disinformation and duplicity.

Let us celebrate "proceptivity", or, at least, enjoy it. But let us not defame it.

Personally, I am very "pro" proceptivity ... and I think we should each do our bit to encourage it.