nene 7na4na#8
5Haw ncnc6 a grayish-brown Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis) once nearly extinct

nephrite 7nef4rjt#8
5Ger nephrit < Gr nephritcs, of the kidneys < nephros, kidney (see NEPHRO3): formerly worn as a supposed remedy for kidney ailments6 a hard, often translucent, usually greenish mineral of the amphibole group, that is a less precious type of jade

Nereid 7nir4c id8
5L Nereis (gen. Nereidis) < Gr Ncrcis (gen. Ncrcidos) < Ncreus6 Gr. Myth. any of the sea nymphs, the fifty daughters of Nereus

neritic 7nc rit4ik, ni38
5< Gr ncritcs, a sea snail (< Nereus, prec.) + 3IC6 designating or of the ecological zone (neritic zone) of the continental shelf extending from low tide to a depth of c. 100 fathoms (c. 180 m)

ness 7nes8
5ME nesse < OE n+s & ON nes, akin to OE nosu, NOSE6 a promontory; headland: now chiefly in place names [Inverness]

new[ton 7n1t4‘n, ny1t$38
Sir Isaac NEWTON6 the unit of force in the mks system; force which imparts to a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one meter per second per second: abbrev. N

Ngege (Tilapia) with Groundnut Sauce. ... Ngege (Oreochromis esculentus, a kind of Tilapia) is commonly consumed throughout Africa's great lakes region. ...

nidicolous 7nj dik4! l!s8
5< L nidus, NEST + 3COLOUS6
1 remaining in the nest for some time after hatching, as some birds
2 living in the nest of another species

niello 7nc el4b8
pl. 3li 73c8 or 3los 5It < VL *nigellum < L nigellus, somewhat black, dark < niger, black6
1 any of a number of alloys of sulfur with silver, lead, copper, etc., characterized by a deep-black color and used to decorate metallic objects by means of inlay
2 the process of decorating with niello
3 something decorated in this way
3loed, 3lo[ing to decorate with niello
Niflheim 7niv4‘l ham#8
5ON Niflheimr6 Norse Myth. the regions of darkness and cold, or realm of the dead

niffer 7nif4!r8
vt., vi., n.
5< ?6 [Scot.] barter; trade

night-blooming cereus 73bl1#mi%8
any of various cactuses that bloom at night, esp. any of many species (genera Hylocereus, Selenicereus, etc.), often grown as house plants

nighthawk 73hCk#8

>1 any of various nightjars that feed on flying insects, esp., the common nighthawk (Chordeiles minor), which is active during the day or night
>2 NIGHT OWL (sense 2)