Three years. Best board anywhere for word hounds. Beats the Scrabble board by far. Long live the linguaphiles here. And may many a longsuffering, isolated page-turner of dictionaries, hidden up in the garret with only a computer and stack of books, who thinks nobody else in the world much cares about the fourteenth definition down--now obsolete, but oh-so-redolent with the atmosphere of times gone by--find us here for companionship. And may every punster, whose jokes fall on deaf ears at the office, find us here. And may every collector of words used oddly or well in poems, songs, and speeches find us here. And may each of us already here fight the good fight against evaporation into mist by first condensing our efforts into descernible dews or showers or fogs or pogonips or whatever kind of participatory precipitation we would manifest. [Ever locked yourself into a metaphorical closet?]

Happy Anuversary, friends. And many thanks, Anu, for this little paradise.