P.T. Barnum said there's one born every minute, and two to catch him. If the whole thing is a scam, why worry about a bit of logic? I'm feeling so mellow, I won't discuss the "V" drugs guaranteed to make a man look as though he had a six D cell flashlight in his pocket. Actually I knew a guy who was equipped like that, but got no pleasure from the fact. The real tough babes that worked in the McLean Hospital in the
Depression used to gang up on him, to show his developement
to new employees. But none of them wanted a test drive.
I once posted about the student nurse who told me about
the finger in the ear. She also said she'd rather be tickled to death than clubbed to death. Again, no offer of a test.
I learned a lot at the McLean. While on the switchboard at night, I could borrow books from the medical library.
My mind was a webbing of Freud und Krafft-Ebing. But none of the rest of the limerick applied. Incidentally one morning just before dawn in early April, I looked out the front window, and saw thousands of Lumbaricus terrestris copulating. Never have seen that since. A real Rite of Spring. Grotesque music, please, Maestro Stravinsky.