Thoughts are infinite. Language is finite.

Mathematically speaking (Emanuela please correct me) the opposite may be true. As many linguists have pointed out, the potential sentences available to a user of any language are literally infinite. Language is, however, limited. If this sounds paradoxical, think of an infinitely long tunnel - you can travel along it for any arbitrarily long distance, but you cannot change direction.

Thought, on the other hand, may just be unbounded but finite. Unbounded because it does not exist in the tunnels of language (at least, the putative thought medium 'mentalese' is not linguistically bound), but any given person, or defined finite group of people, must be capable of having only a finite number of thoughts in the time available to them.

Yes, I know I finessed this a bit, but the important point is that language may be bounded, or limited, but it is certainly infinite. Perhaps Emanuela can demonstrate that its infinity is only that of the rational numbers, as opposed to the greater infinity of the irrational numbers that 'thought' might be. It is a demonstration I would look forward to with bated pen...


the sunshine warrior