I couldn't access the word list I was using. So here are some French words
from Carolyn's Corner:
Espionage = spying
moulage= what my dentist did, to get impression to make my partial
Sabotage - recent thread mentioned putting wooden shoe into machinery to wreck it
camouflage - military use of patches of diffeent colors to make things harder to see
Can anyone think of a use of camouflage earlier than the one in Mabeth
when Birnam wood came to high Dunsinane?
badinage - playful exchange of quips
vernissage - Not in any of several online French dictionaries, but IS in my ten buck CD
pl. 3sages$ 73s9&$8 5Fr, lit., varnishing (see VARNISH & 3AGE): in allusion to the former practice of varnishing paintings before exhibiting6 the opening, or first showing, of an art exhibit

fuselage - body of an airplane
escamotage - sleight of hand, street juggler, mystifying by legerdemain

5ME < MFr leger de main, lit., light of hand < leger ( LL *levarius < L levis, LIGHT2) + de (< L de, of, from) + main < L manus, hand6
1 sleight of hand; tricks of a stage magician
2 trickery of any sort; deceit

empennage - the "tailfeathers" of an airplane, horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin

. Cartonnage is a type of cardboard-like material. It was used by the ancient Egyptians
in a manner similar to how we would use papier-mâché today

. Bariolage is a term describing back and forth motion between strings and is a
bowing technique. I was speaking of a pedal tone, which ...

5MFr < esquiper: see prec.6
1 the furnishings, accessories, or outfit of a ship, army, expedition, etc.; equipment
2 a carriage, esp. one with horses and liveried servants
3 [Archaic] a) toilet articles b) a case for these
4 [Archaic] retinue; body of attendants

5Fr, a pasting < colle, paste < Gr kolla, glue6
1 an art form in which bits of objects, as newspaper, cloth, pressed flowers, etc. are pasted together on a surface in incongruous relationship for their symbolic or suggestive effect
2 a composition so made
3 any collection of seemingly unrelated bits and parts, as in a photomontage
3laged$, 3lag4ing to arrange (material) in a collage