pl. 3ries 5ME clerestorie < cler, CLEAR + storie, STORY26 the upper part of a wall, specif. of a church, containing windows for lighting the central part of a lofty room or space

dalles, noun pl.
1. rapids flowing over a flat rock bottom in a
narrowed portion of a river.
2. the steep, almost vertical cliffs on the sides
of a canyon or ravine.

scaglia, noun.
an Italian limestone, similar to the
chalk of England.

Flemish coil,(Nautical.)
a coil of rope in which each turn is laid down
flat on the deck, forming a sort of mat.

trabea, noun.
a toga with horizontal purple stripes, worn as a
robe of state by consuls, augurs, and some other
officials in ancient Rome.

halobiotic, adjective.
living in a salty habitat, as the sea or seashore.

cardia, noun.
the orifice which connects the esophagus and
the upper part of the stomach.

But "dextrocardia" is a rare congenital anomaly, in chich the heart is on the right side, and the liver on the left. A surgical lecturer told us of a band of gypsies in England, who would test sharpness of a physician, by having member with this anomaly seen first by the new doctor, when they were in a new place. If the doctor failed to notice the anomaly, they left and tried other doctors, until they found one thorough enough to discover the anomaly.

Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus is a rare heart condition characterized by abnormal positioning of the heart. In this condition, the tip of the
heart (apex) is positioned on the right side of the chest. Additionally, the position of the heart chambers as well as the visceral organs such
as the liver and spleen is reversed (situs inversus). However, most affected individuals can live a normal life without associated symptoms or