Language eh? Trickier than you think. Trickier than you can think...

Yes, I agree with both of you (this is worrying for this forum, is it not!?!?)

tsuwm suggests death as a starting point
Have you heard of Lord Lucan in the States? (although he is “definitely dead” according to a coroner, he’s probably been reported as “definitely observed crossing Central Park”, I bet )

And what about say, jazz – some would say that is as “definitely” over and done as other unique happenings in a particular time, whilst others would claim a continuity of jazz-becoming-something-else.

What I am moving towards is the general *belief that what distinguishes us at our very core is our tendency to make patterns. This is true of language, true of visual sense, and surely true of the other ways we think, such as forming theories. We tend to adopt short-cuts (perception theory is littered with examples of how the brain ‘fools itself’) and discard material that doesn’t sit happily with our frame of reference – because ultimately it is not the veracity but the aesthetics of the pattern that counts to a key part of our imagination!

As a matter of fact I believe this is what John Keats means by “beauty is truth…”