How in the world do you deduce that the man thinks he is right?

Ain't that the agony and the ecstacy of being a writer? You don't write just one pome/novel/song/play/article, you write as many as you have readers - everyone will see it slightly differently, because we are all at least slightly different from each other.

Dubdub, what a hubbub! I celebrate our difference. Don't think I said that my reading was the only correct one for the song - just that that's how I've always heard it -

- possibly because, rather unfortunately, I've had a lot of men in my life who have tried to refuse me my right to have my own opinions on things. (One boyfriend even referred to himself as "Pygmalion" with regard to me. My oldest brother STILL tries to boss me around - the only person in my life who does so.)

It's all perspective.