In New Hampshire, too. And I live a few strategic blocks from the we will get high tides and all that jazz. We are starting now with flurries BUT tonight winds pick up and we could get anything from (lucky) six to (yuk) 16 inches of snow. Glad I am not in the news biz anymore. Blizzard of '78 I went to work on a snow plow!
I am all tucked in with food and a quart of Ben & Jerry for comfort. Yummy good with a topping of real maple syrup and bananas. Getting reports now it's going to be two inces an hour. Only hope is - with the cold front lodged over us - it will be the fluffy stuff, not the heavy wet stuff. Lucky for me I have a next door neighbor with two sons who have me on their shoveling list right after their house!
Pearl will be over her head in the snow. She hates that so the boys plow paths for her .... not toooooo spoiled.
Stay warm!