Am red-faced and mildly confused too. I always thought of slang as informal speech reflecting a change in language patterns that occurs in tandem with evolving socio-cultural mores. This site however seems to focus on informal speech with specific reference to only one subject. I tried many languages (at least seven or eight) and under each, the content was pretty much the same. Which brings me to two questions, one of which is relevant to the board.
1. Considering the nature of the bulk of the contents, should there be a new word concocted for subject specific slang such as this? Is there one already?
2. (mental ramble)It seems to me that the creator of the site is looking for contributions of expressions of slang. Yet the persistent emphasis by contributors on one matter alone leaves me feeling bewildered and wondering as to the reasons why?
I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but at the same time, can't ignore the fact that I am somewhat bothered.
Have I misunderstood and misinterpreted slang all along?