Much as acronyms annoy me, here's a new one. "hjta" = hijack time again.
the worthless word for the day is: momist

/MOM ist/ a fault-finder [obs]

from Momus, the Greek god of ridicule, who for
his judgments of the gods was banished from heaven;
hence a fault-finder, a captious critic

a daughter, disciple or son of Momus is a facetious
or humorously disagreeable person; a wag, a buffoon


This hijack was double-barreled, as it led me to my dictionary, and I found:
the worthless word for the day is: momist

/MOM ist/ a fault-finder [obs]

from Momus, the Greek god of ridicule, who for
his judgments of the gods was banished from heaven;
hence a fault-finder, a captious critic

a daughter, disciple or son of Momus is a facetious
or humorously disagreeable person; a wag, a buffoon

momser or momzer
5< Yidd < Heb6
1 a bastard
2 [Slang] a) a contemptible person b) someone variously thought of as being mischievous, clever, impudent, deceptive, etc.