I promised I wouldn't do somethinglike this, and now I've just gone and done it. Here (purely for ego-marketing) is a set of lists of favourite books. (Yes, dangit, I'm costive enough to have separate lists!)


Kim Rudyard Kipling
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Laurence Sterne
The glass key Dashiell Hammett
Feet of clay Terry Pratchett
Musrum Eric Thacker and Anthony Earnshaw (though you're not likely to ever find a copy)


The man who would be king Kipling (again)
Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
The turn of the screw Henry James
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Chronicle of a death foretold Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Outsider Albert Camus (though I've been told time and time again I should refer to it as 'The Stranger')


The Importance of being Ernest Oscar Wilde
Heartbreak House George Bernard Shaw
Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee
Much ado about nothing William Shakespeare


Guns, germs and steel Jared Diamond
The mismeasure of man Stephen Jay Gould
Darwin's Dangerous Idea Danial C Dennett
Where does the weirdness go? (bother, I can't remember the author'sname offhand)
How the mind works Stephen Pinker

If I were really self-glorifying, I'd have included my list of favourite poems. But there you go...


the sunshine warrior