Bingley!!! Despite my remarks in the virtual world to the contrary, I would never greet an unknown man with.
"Hello, sailor"!!!!!!! Eep!

Now, as to: Do you believe there is only knowledge or ignorance?
Well now, what on earth prompted that question, I wonder?
Howsomever--in a sense, yes, we either know something or we don't. But, other senses must be mentioned, and I know I'm not going to list them all. We can know part(s) of things
only, and not the whole. If we make a correct guess, we could say we "knew" that. I still remember being astonished durng a game of Trivial Pursuit, that my mind dredged up the correct answer, "Skylab", when that had not been part of my conscious thoughts for years. So, even though I had "forgotten" it, did I actually "know" it?
And what about precognition, ESP (Extra-Sensory Perception), and just having "feelings" about things or people? This summer, I delayed leaving for the doctor's office for a while because I had a "feeling" we'd be in an
accident if I left when I'd intended, and on the way there
we passed two accidents, and on the way back we passed two
more. Did I "know" not to leave yet? I have no idea.
I be lievin' now.