5LL < Gr synkopc < syn3, together + koptein, to cut < IE base *(s)kep3 > CAPON6
1 the dropping of sounds or letters from the middle of a word, as in (gl9sZt!r) for Gloucester
2 a fainting, or loss of consciousness, caused by a temporary deficiency of blood supply to the brain

When a young lady say in the mirror a cut on her forehead, she screamed "I'm disfigured and
went into syncope. She fainted. But the "syncopation" in music

2 Music a) to shift (the regular accent) as by beginning a tone on an unaccented beat and continuing it through the next accented beat, or on the last half of a beat and continuing it through the first half of the following beat b) to use such shifted accents in (a musical composition, passage, rhythmic pattern, etc.)