stint, restrict or limit to a certain quantity, number, share, or allotment, often small or scanty

KOKO (a cheap tailor; Lord High Executioner): Pooh-Bah, it seems that the festivities in connection with my approaching marriage must last a week. I should like to do it handsomely, and I want to consult you as to the amount I ought to spend upon them.

POOH-BAH (Lord High Everything Else): Certainly. In which of my capacities? As First Lord of the Treasury, Lord Chamberlain, Attorney- General, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Privy Purse, or Private Secretary?

K: Suppose we say as Private Secretary.

PB: Speaking as your Private Secretary, I should say that, as the city will have to pay for it, don't stint yourself, do it well.

K: Exactly--as the city will have to pay for it. That is your advice.

PB: As Private Secretary. Of course you will understand that, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, I am bound to see that due economy is observed.

K: Oh! But you said just now don't stint yourself, do it well!

PB: As Private Secretary.

K: And now you say that due economy must be observed.

PB: As Chancellor of the Exchequer.

K: I see. Well, come over here, where the Chancellor can't hear us...

--The Mikado, Act I