My sidekick Andy was more than usually bothersome this weekend because he was trying to answer this question...

"What was Doctor Watson's specialty?"

It was written by Doyle that Watson spent several years in medical school. All students of medical study in Sherlock's time acquired a specialty. Andy and his bunch of book nerd friends find delight in finding answers to unrecorded aspects of the lives of fictional characters like Watson and Holmes.

Question: Is Andy and his nerd friends Appolonian or Dionysian, Aristotelian or Platonist, or do they just need to go out and buy some decent clothes and find some nice girls?

PS: Today Andy is trying to find out if the fictional version of the story of Tom Dooley is truer than the true version of his hanging as reported by "Doc" Watson, the famouser one. (Right Musick? Consuelo?).