Dear wwh,

I wish the essay you posted the link to had been longer. I'm acquainted with some of Aristotle's writings, have been fascinated by his ability to categorize thoroughly, but have never read anything of Plato's.

However, based on the information in the article, I'm clearly more of a Platonist. Here's one point:

"Aristotelians will read the manual. Platonists expect to be able to figure things out on their own. Platonists shake their heads over the time wasted by Aristotelians. Aristotelians wonder why Platonists won't take the time to get it right the first time. "

I detest manuals. It's probably why I'm so very slow in learning anything about technology. I like experimenting with my computer, rarely read FAQ pages, hit walls all the time, and eventually, if I really want to know how to do something, will ask someone who probably can guide me. But I'd rather figure out a problem on my own.

And the Meyers-Briggs test, though flawed as are all such tests, showed me that I'm nearly purely "N" rather than "S." I am very much out-of-touch with my surroundings. The inner world has a lot more interest to me than the outer one. I am that person who visits your home a hundred times, one day asks you about a picture on the wall, as though it were something brand new, and you tell me it's always been there for every one of my visits. And I am surprised. Shocked even. How could something so lovely have escaped my attention? Well, most physical things escape my attention. Yet my intuition picks up information immediately. It's not perfect--that intuition. No mental faculty is perfect. And I do make mistakes. However, I've picked up information about individuals and groups of people that has been correct just with that gut response.

I also have this lifelong dream world that seems often more understandable to me than the outer world, which often seems foreign and often cruel.

But I suspect the author of your article may have oversimplified Plato. Perhaps I should read some Plato to see whether I find a kindred spirit there. What should I read first, I wonder?

Anyway, thanks for providing the link. Something new to think about, and that's always good. My dream world will be enriched!

Best regards,