A) It's not re-in-car-na-tion. It's re-in-carn-a-tion.

2) Therefore it's not re-in-yart-na-tion. It's re-in-yart-a-tion.

Þ) Harrumph!®

Hey, Harrumphy! (I'm intentionally withholding the ® on that, claiming the addition of the "y" as a new form of the word)

Actually® all this quibbling over a lousy "N" sounds like re-in-tard-ation to me! I coined the word, I can spell it any dern way I like! "We don't need no steenkin' rules!"® Descriptivists of the world unite! I seen the enemy and they is us! So grok that! And why didn't Heinlein spell it with a "c", grock, hmmm????

Harrumphy Dumpty sat on a wall,
Harrumphy Dumpty had a bad fall,
And all the King's English,
And all the King's N's
Couldn't put Harrumphy Dumpty
Together again!