Heavens, wwh, and "nascent" seems to an equivalent term, not an opposite, in everyday terms. Doesn't nascent mean something like "quiet" or "dormant" or "sleeping"? If so, chemistry is a lot different from everyday life.

Will now go look up "nascent" to see whether I'm an idiot here.

Edit: The idiot returns. Here's MW on "nascent":

": coming or having recently come into existence "

Have no idea how I confused nascent with a sleeping state. Perhaps I was thinking of babies--sleeping ones, newly come into existence, so to amend my association.

At least now I can understand better the nascent v. inert relationship.

So, there's the state of being "inchoate," then that of being "nascent"---and eventualy that of being "inert"?

2nd Edit: Thanks, Faldage. This "inert" problem has been bothering me. So, there's inertia v. reactivism? And, according to wwh, v. nascence?