"Show me"

"Show you"

...Kick, oh, man! i.e., Kikoman--far be it from me to mention a product name

What's with the fish head?

And what's with pouring sauce over the boy who didn't seem to mind having sauce poured over his head by the fish head?

And with the little girl the fish head took to bed?

And stealing Superman's cape and stockings?

And with the Pyramids?

This art tells us it's one of the Seven Wonders of Advertising?

Best part, however, in this truly amazing bit of Japanese borrowed creativity art was how my mind's eye immediately translated the tofu cubes into sugar cubes. I had to keep hitting myself on the shoulder and saying to myself, "Think Japan. Don't think pony barn."

Still, what's with the fish head? To obviousize: Is it nothing more than fish being a staple of the Japanese diet? If so, why not a rice head? Of course, a fish head is funnier, so I suppose the Japanese creative-borrower artists were attempting to get their audiences loosened up and laughing outrageously out-of-control.

Most important honorable question, ayleur-sans:

Is this art more thought-provoking and enlightening than a light bulb turning on and off at regular intervals?

Second most important honorable question:

Is this thread destined to become a food thread?

Third most important honorable question:

Don't we all know bits of apple are better for ponies than sugar cubes?