I'd just like to share this poem with everyone here in AWADland:

I'm a friend of the words,
They all come to my call,
Shout-words and mute-words,
I'm a friend to them all.
Short words that jump
And roll over and hop.
Shock-words that bang or
explode or go pop.
I'm a friend of the words,
Including the long ones-
The many-lettered leg ones,
The right ones, the wrong ones.
The fat ones, the thin ones,
The ones that go clonk,
The wierd ones like zelig...
Those used by a monk.
I do love all words,
As I've mentioned before,
Even the huge ones
That don't fit into this poem
Like disestablishmentarianism.

Hmmm... upon re-reading this poem, I've come to feel that it sounds a bit like the musical of Doctor Dolittle:I can speak to the animals, talk with the animals...