hmm. m-w shows

Main Entry:
Pronunciation: 'ba-n&s-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of baluster
Date: 1641
1 a : a handrail with its supporting posts b : HANDRAIL
- /-t&rd/ adjective

and baluster as:

Main Entry:
Pronunciation: 'ba-l&-st&r
Function: noun
Etymology: French balustre, from Italian balaustro, from balaustra wild pomegranate flower, from Latin balaustium, from Greek balaustion; from its shape
Date: 1602
1 : an object or vertical member (as the leg of a table, a round in a chair back, or the stem of a glass) having a vaselike or turned outline
2 : an upright often vase-shaped support for a rail

so, it looks to me as if you did slide down the banister. sliding down a baluster would probably be very painful, unless you like that sort of thing.

formerly known as etaoin...