i too was an adult before tasting an avacado. but i remembered reading about them.. Sylvia Plath, (unless my memory is playing tricks)in A Bell Jar wrote about attending a (part of college scholarship) luncheon, and one course was avacados stuff with crab meat (cold as a salad) the she maveled at the colors, the green, fading to yellow, contrasting with the pink and white, the creaminess of the avacado, the way both the crab and avacado has butter tastes..(it was her first encounter with an avacado, too!)
well, i didn't run out and buy one, but i was primed. so the first time i was offered avacado, and some asked if i liked it, i said, "never have had it, but i am sure i will like it" and i did!

it is interesting how one persons description, can color our view of something isn't it?

grape skins don't 'agree' with me, and early on, i came to dislike raisens since they always made me feel sick. by extention, i was wary of all dried fruit, (and still don't ever seek it out) but when i read Mrs. Mike (Freeman, husband & wife) and the character talked about making wonderful pies with dried apples, and went on about dried apples in general.. i tried dried apples. apples and dates are the only dried fruit i like.
i have learned to taste and enjoy foods i might never have tried, because of things i have read about them.