Yes, Jo, Oliver Sacks is a wonderful writer, and the book you mentioned is a great one. So is his book AN ANTHROPOLOGIST ON MARS (which is the book that has the story about the gentleman you wrote about) to read a little,

and Awakenings (the commercial movie) is very close to the what actually happened in his early years as a doctor. (to the point that he and Robin Williams even look a bit alike!

i am going to a lecture on Uncle Tungsten in october and will have an oportunity to get both UT and Hat autographed --(yes, one of my vanities. i don't go just to book signing, but lectures and signings!) Sacks lives only about 5 miles as the crow flies from where i currently live, but he live on one of the many island that are part of NY, and driving to his neighborhood would be about a 10 mile trip. His island home, City Island, is very similar to any small new england fishing village. it still has active sailmakers and other sea related crafts. it one of those special places in NY.