yes, i was the proud sponser of an x rated web page (now defunct) When congress attempted some years back to limit x rated material on the internet, my son set up a web page that provided the archives to the eroticanewsgroup.
Much, but not all, of the archived material would have been considered x-rated, and some was porn, and some bordered on being obscene. But we both felt stongly that the law was unconstititional, and would not be held up, and broke the law as act of intentional civil disobedience.
Still, i am glad that his web page was not the test case!
(the test case was a NY one)
the page is no longer up... it was getting 20,000 visitors a week, and got to expensive to upkeep.
But Faldage is right, it takes effort and courage to keep up the fight for free speach-- especially when the speach is not something you like.