The poll results are in!
Is participatory democracy the cat's pajamas or what?

(No offense intended to those of you who still have Kings and Queens and outdoor plumbing)

The Survey

Should President Bush bomb Saddam Hussein out of the Old Stone Age and into the New Stone Age?
________________________________________YES [ ] NO [ ]

Does President Bush care if dippy, henny-penny, tree hugging, commies-with-out-a-country, liberals call him "Duhba" behind his back?
_________________________________________YES [ ] NO [ ]

Does "nuclear" rhyme with "knuckle-ear"?
_________________________________________YES [ ] NO [ ]

Does "nuclear" rhyme with "molecular"?
_________________________________________YES [ ] NO [ ]

Is anyone here driving a red ford station wagon parked out front in the loading zone with the lights on?
______________________________ YES [ ] NO [ ] DON'T KNOW [ ]


* 100% of my grandchildren agreed that we should stand firm against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein.

* 80% said that they thought that President Bush didn't care what you people called him (as long as it wasn't late to lunch. 20%)

* 0% thought that "nuclear" rhymed with yucky "knuckle-ear"

* 100% thought that "nuclear rhymed with "molecular".

* 80% answered that they owned the red station wagon, 20% (Olivia, who is only three and hasn't yet learned to lie) answered "I don't know.
