dear bill,

context... context

the worthless word for the day is: microlipet

choose one:
a) a portion
b) a small portion
c) a very small portion
d) a nitpicker
e) perhaps c and d

exhibit A:
microlipet - someone who gets all worked up about trivial things (per Charles Harrington Elster, "There's a Word for It")

exhibit B:
nitpicker - one who searches for and over-emphasizes trivial errors (per OED2)

exhibit C:
lipe - [from Fr.] a [significant?] portion
lipet - [lipe + dim.] a small portion
microlipet - by extension, a small, small portion?

so, e) perhaps c and d

p.s. - I assume that Grandiloquent has it as "someone bothered by trifles", per Mrs. Byrne...