Google is weird. I can get the cached page for the wine glossary I mentioned just above, but I cannot get to the site itself. No way. So that glossary is only available on google is you cache it.

However, on that "L" page are some terms that are just so cool (look at legs) that I'll paste 'em here:

Late Harvest: Name given to dessert or full-bodied table wines produced from overripe grapes.

Leaf axil: The acute angle between a vine shoot and a leaf stem or petiole extending from the shoot. Buds develop in these axils just above each leaf petiole.

Lees: The sediment which settles to the bottom of the wine in a tank during processing. If primarily yeast, as from a fermentation, it is called "yeast lees;" if sediment from fining, it is called "fining lees."

Legs: Term referring to the colorless droplets which form along the inside wall of a wine glass, just above the surface the wine.

Limousin: A type of French oak for used to make barrels. Its grain is less tight and more open than others, allowing the oak flavor to become extracted out of the wood quickly.

I mean we've got limousines and stretch limousines (which bore me to death), but look at that "limousin" above! Oak wood! Less tight grain! Oak flavor entering the wine! That has just got to be the coolest thing to think about. Sorry I cannot figure out how to get to the home page of this particular glossary. It's better than the first one I posted based on this single page.