Amazing how I can wake up and the first thing I think of is the article thread here.

I was thinking:

We would say in the USA, "I'm going to college," but we'd also say "I'm going to the university." We would say we were going to a specific college: "I'm going to the college in Roanoke." But we'd also say, "I'm going to college in Roanoke." We wouldn't say "I'm going to university" as the Britishers do. And we'd say, "I'm going to school." And we'd say, "I'm getting an education." But we wouldn't say, "I'm getting education." And we wouldn't say, "I'm getting a learning," or even "I'm getting learning." We might say, "I'm increasing learning in English," and "I'm learning English" would be possible, too, with a slightly different meaning.

I have a new friend from Macedonia who is learning English. Can you imagine explaining the above examples to her? And they're just the tip of the American English article ice berg.