of troy,

I am at fault. My humble apologies if I led you astray. Sometimes you have to take me - and I hasten to say a few others hereabouts - with a grain of salt, if not an entire sackful of the stuff. Unpeckable was a contrived word that seemed to fit the context. It just came into my head as I was typing. You picked up my meaning (inedible) well enough, though.

I do hear "couth" occasionally, I think mostly as a kind of tongue-in-cheek antonym. Not sure if there's a thread on AWADtalk for these sorts of words. If so, I'm sure someone will steer you towards it. The legendary tsuwm (http://members.aol.com/tsuwm/ - no commission received for free plugs) ran some underused roots a couple of weeks ago - ruly, sipid (my wife still recoils when I call her cooking that!), defatigable, delible.

Starting a thread is easy enough. Just go to a particular forum so that you see the current list of threads. Now click on the first (left) button in the row of six at the top right and simply fill in the form presented.