Ah, frizzle! That explains the confusion...

I need to modify something I wrote above. There were two entries for frizzen in OneLook.com's over 740 dictionaries, but one was a capitalized something-or-other (not applicable) and the other was a rhyme-zone entry (no definition)....just to keep the record straight.

Frizzen would rhyme with mizzen as in mizzenmast...just a thought.

And the eight reindeer would have really been cooly named if built around tsuwm's entry:

Flint and Frizzle
Flint and Fleerish (no problem having two reindeer named Flint)
Flint and Furison (even three reindeer named Flint)
Flint and Steel (even four; why not!?)

Then the rednose reindeer could have been Flintlock the rednose reindeer.... That sleigh just shooting across the sky! A blast from the past! The possibilities are endless...