clean out the toilet with peanut butter

Yeah, I've heard tell that Jif is the brand-name for a supposedly good USn peanut butter, but we haven't evolved much beyond SunPat over this side of the Pond - and let's face it, eating SunPat's pretty much like eating heavily sugared and salted glue with a few wood-shavings and bits of grit thrown in.

We also have Jif lemons over here - actually squeezable plastic lemons (don't start ) filled with something vaguely related to lemon juice. Very popular on Shrove Tuesday. Rarely used to clean toilets. Though come to think of it, they may clean toilets fairly well.

I doubt Jif of either variety could shift SunPat peanut butter though, even from the shiniest of surfaces. Wasn't that the problem with the Hubble mirror?