We had a fuel house at the saw mill where I worked one summer in Flagstaff. It looked like something left over from WWII in Germany, a bombed out brick building, two stories high. During the day bulldozers dozed sawdust, wood chips and bark onto a chain that carried the fuel into the steam plant where it was burned to make steam to run much of the mill. Some was also dozed onto chains that carried it into the fuel house where it built up during the day so that it could be used at night when the bulldozers were dozing intransitively. The fuel would cake up and the chain at the bottom of the fuel house that took the stuff out and onto the chain that fed it to the steam plant would stop bringing in new fuel. It was then the job of some poor sucker (me, for my last couple of weeks on the job) to go into the fuel house and, while straddling the chain, try to knock down the cave of fuel on top of himself.