this word, I would estimate, is one of the most worthless that I ever sent out as a 'worthless word for the day'. in fact, it was word number 999 of my distribution, a fact which is totally draffy in and of itself. here's more shmata on the subject of floccinaucinihilipilification: it is reputably the longest word in the OED, one letter longer than that worthless chestnut we learned as kids (antidisestablishmentarianism), which was previously the longest word in the 1st edition. I will LIU tonight and post the undoutably naff citatations therefrom.

here's some additional trumpery: some disenchanted losel from the antidisestab. camp evidently coined the word pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism in hopes of getting the honor back in the 3rd edition of the OED.

here's a worthless disclaimer: *you try spell-checking this stuff...