Um...who's Cordelia?

King Lear's youngest daughter. Lear's older daughters Goneril and Regan profess their complete and utter love for Lear when he divides his kingdom of Britain in three. They say what he wants to hear so he believes them. Cordelia, who is faithful to the king, cannot lie and tells him the truth that her love has its limits. He takes this as a rebuffal and divides her share between the two others. The rest of the play gets a bit complicated to discuss here but you'd really like it. I did five (yep, five) Shakespeare (or Marlowe, as sjm suggests above) plays at school and that was the only one I really liked. I remember watching the tv play with Olivier in the lead. An astounding performance and cast and I highly recommend it.

Edit: Incidentally, Leo McKern played Gloucester in that same production.