Destruction is the easy route. It really is. Turn genius toward destruction: that's the easy way.

Now: Try to love...try to bring out peace...try to encourage...try to make people believe in their capacity to love, to bring out peace, to encourage...those are harder things. Try to teach tolerance...try to understand...try to be a slave to peace...well, that's a harder route, but a truer one, because it means you have to sacrifice your time so that others might have a chance to enjoy more breaths they take. There are times for belligerence--for fighting the fight--but how best to bring about peace? That's the hard thing, but, in my view, the necessary one. Some people just don't want peace. They need a foe. They need a bad guy. They need destruction. But what about love and caring and hoping that people will have more opportunities to embrace the brief lives they've been given? I don't see any good in bombing people--in hurting them--in causing pain. I'm embarrassed that I even voted for Bush (I felt I had no choice) because he has now wanted to destroy without just cause. No, I don't believe bombing belligerence is what will work for the good of the whole. Take a look at that old classic "Wild Stawberries"--and be drawn in again to a vision of what we could have had...