I nearly fell over laughing when I saw my wife's first obstetrian's name. "Mabel C. Hiscock".

- which is yet another double-entendre, eh?

If someone were unhappy with their obstetrician following an appointment perhaps you'd say:

"You should have seen Hiscock." and/or "Hiscock sorted out my wife."


If Mabel had recently put on a lot of weight and you met her at a party you could say:

"You should have seen the size of Hiscock last night!"

[fnarr fnarr]


Just found an amusing and informative link on double-entendres:

But wish I could find a live link to Viz comic(-book) and its strip Finbarr Saunders and his Double-Entendres.
Full of quality material in a similar vein

Edit: Hey, I just found Viz!
Sadly no Finbarr Saunders to be found, but check out Roger's Profanisaurus: