The Bull of Pope Adrian IV Empowering Henry II to Conquer Ireland

Here's a bit more detail on the English (Anglo-Norman, to be more exact) invasion of Ireland, which suggests that a "deal with the Devil" kicked it off:

The english have given up being catholic, but not their claims to ireland
Sorry, Helen, but that's not true. England has no claim at all on Eire, and is currently working with all parties to try to create an independently-governed Northern Ireland (to the extent that that is what its people want). I reckon Westminster would love to be able to divest itself entirely of Northern Ireland, but that ain't going to be easy. Yes, there was deliberate colonisation of Ireland, especially Northern Ireland, in the 17th C, but you can't send the descendants of these people back to Scotland (mainly) or England now. As such, you have to deal with the people who live there, and all have an equal right to be heard. Many of these people consider themselves British and would like to remain British. Many want anything but - yet, for instance, Sinn Fein now has seats in Westminster and has the same rights as Unionist MPs.

Things definitely won't change overnight, but it's been a long, hard slog in the right direction, with many significant sacrifices made on all sides. I think it would be in poor taste not to give full credit to all involved, whatever their persuasion; and it would be a monumental tragedy if the fragile creation of all that hard work were to be shattered.

For any passers-by who fancy a potted history of Northern Ireland, here's one: