God as a mushroom./As to alien spurs, let me just say one word: mushrooms :-)

BY, consuelo's gonna love you for this connection!

The prefix Pan- means all, or everything, right? Same as Pantheism, Pantheon. So does this word indicate life from anywhere (but earth)? If it only refers to life perhaps coming from Mars then the coinage is very general. Mind you, at the time Mars probably seemed so exotic.

I was also wondering why the coinage sounded so generic when it seemed to imply the specificity of Mars. Perhaps the scientist who coined it was theorizing based on that, exotic for the time as you say BY, life-on-Mars focus, but wanted to leave the door open to other planets, comets, asteroids, and other galaxies. I'll have to try to search-up the original theory and see if I can find a text verbatim. Unless Dr. Bill, or somebody else, beats me to it.
But I wonder why they didn't coin a new term in modernity, as Geoff says, to more accurately depict their updated theorizing?