"All I know is, it made sense to me. If you take a bunch of people who are equally unfamiliar with all the arts, and shove 'em together in a room and have them sit through both the 5th and good ol' Spamlet, I think they would get more food for thought from Spamlet (the educative element)

And I disagree with you, MG, more than you can imagine. [Hey! We're friends here and we can agree to disagree!]

But this time I won't write another of those too-long reflections that few probably read here and Musick would only tear it to pieces, anyway--Hi, Musick!

But I will go on record saying that I strongly disagree with your point of view! You, MG, might have more food for thought about Hamlet. However, you might be surprised at the number in that same room who would testify to having at least an equal appetitue for the food for thought the one and only Mr. B had provided.

I think something that is a bit awkward here is I don't like these kinds of seeming contests and measures of worth. What's gotten me all along in this whole discussion is the casual put-down Kennedy made of music. And I know she is entirely incorrect in this view in the part of the novel you refer to here--and thanks for telling us about it! Her view really hit a nerve. Seems very much out-of-touch with the world of music and music lovers. Uh, oh....I'm started to get long-winded again. Let me escape now.

Beethoven regards, [and that's with a hug to you, MG!]