why are you surprized?
Being new here, I have no idea what this means or what the dynamics on this list are... I have a feeling I'm about to find out PDQ...

hardly anyone comes to a bulletin board with out reading a few posts.. and there have been many expressing our desire for keiva to leave, and why.

and yesterday, the same comment was post 3 times in your kill two bird with one stone thread.. so why you are playing dumb ?

i am a bit edgy.. every time there is a flare up, and there are flare ups because Keiva who was banned, and forced his way back by threats and extortion, is still posting here a whole bunch of 'new' posters appear... and start threads, and add to threads, and play dumb... and wonder what is going on.. and ask 'innocent questions' and up starts the flames again..
your question sets my teeth on edge. (of course i could be wrong, and time will tell...)

keiva complained in time past that many of the long time posters were rude and drove away others... but he has single handed driven away 30+ old time people and almost as many new ones.. some of us die hards remain, and refuse to let his evil prevail..

every time he posts, we remind him, he is not wanted here.

but don't believe me.. read for yourself what Anu Garg had to say.