I got that one, Hyla, verlanden, if you took donut, made say of clay, and in the center hole, inserted a curved, shaped straw (something the silly drinking straw they have for children,) then squished the clay aound the straw, and shaped it like a mannikin.. from a mathematical point of view, you would still have a donut, or torus. if you could gently remove the straw, with out damaging the mannikin shape, it would be even more donut like.. even though, you could no longer see through the hole, as you can on a donut..

and aren't humans really shapeded like that? don't we really have an opening, that starts in our mouth, and ends and the other end of our body? Our arms and legs, simple bumbs from the outer ring.. and the inner ring? the alimentary canal from one end to the other-- a bit bent and twisted, like the straw, but really a hollow tube that runs through the middle. So topologically, we are all donuts..