As a nation we want prosperity for everyone and intend to lead the world to all-encompassing peace.

Sorry, Jazz, but this is incredibly presumptuous.

Certainly it is presumptious, but the sentiment behind it is admirable - I would need some convincing that your leaders shared it, incidently, but I an completely certain that the "ordinary" people of USA do. Any movement needs a leader - ask any thinking and committed anarchist - and the fittest leader tends to rise to the top in the hour of need (like King Arthur ) If the USA is consciously fitting themselves for the job, and show they can do it, I, for one, would be happy to follow - even though I would far prefer that the UK had the job (small hopes, given present government - or the alternative!)

As to the USA being a role model for the world - again, the way you couched it, Jazz, was a bit overbearing, but it does mirror what has actually happened in large parts of the world - you have stated what is, practically speaking, the truth.
Whether I consider it is a model that should be accepted by all is, of course, another matter

So keep the aspidistra flying, Jazz - more power to your elbow.