I'm under the impression Hilary, of the Lancaster Rhubarb Commandos, is a ... how you say in your language... "bloke"

We'll just have to ask her/him then, won't we?

As I have, for much of my life, staunchly defended the principle that in almost all activities the gender of participants is totally irrelevant, I will cite the Fifth Amendment.

For those who find it necessary to know such things, there are, in any case, plenty of clues in my postings from which you might deduce my gender.

BTW, I am not "of the" Rhubarb Commandos, I "am the" RhubarbCommando - isn't "commando" one of those words whose singular and plural forms are the same, like sheep.
(Like that of sheep, I should say: sheep are not the same as each other, before any smart-arse makes a thing of it)